Locked in my dorm room due to Sandy, with nothing to do, until I realized:
"I'm FINALLY in New York. I can officially start my blog!" And what better a way to start it off than right in the middle of a hurricane.
Well, Manhattan, I'm here. Living on the lovely and surprisingly- friendly Upper West Side, I can now call myself a New Yorker [gushes with excitement]! It's only been two weeks officially (and what a crazy two weeks it has been, but I'm here and I'm loving it. As of right now, the UWS hasn't been hit too bad. Luckily, I'm far enough up the island where I do not have to worry about major flooding or the crazy waves or anything too drastic. These photos are from earlier today when I was running around trying to get last minute supplies in case anything does actually happen. Even the Starbucks were closed! And if you haven't heard, New Yorkers are NOT taking this storm lightly. Grocery stores here are left barren and shelf are naked. Towards the end, I think people were just picking up anything without an expiration date.
Hopefully everyone is staying safe and busy like me indoors! Being trapped indoors was actually a blessing, because now I can officially kick-start my blog! Yay! Much, MUCH more to come so stay safe, New Yorkers!
Nice blog =)